Melissa Allison returned to college for the third time in her late 40's to do something she never thought she could - graduate with a degree in journalism. Having been diagnosed with dyslexia in the first grade, but not receiving the support she needed to get through school, she grew up believing anything to do with the written word was beyond her grasp.
Not only did she accomplish that, but she was also named Utah State University's first Media Scholar - class of 2016.
A couple of months after graduating she moved to Park City to work as a reporter for their public radio station covering City Council and Planning Commission meetings. She worked closely with many of the city's departments as well as business community. She reported on everything from local crime, animal stampedes, elections, flooding and historical building renovations to human interests stories and yes, even the Sundance Film Festival.
Melissa also created aspects of their social media with #KPCWLove for their pledge drive, and radio spots such as "Football 101" to air during the local high school football games. She even volunteered to run their Saturday night show once a month.
During that time Melissa also launched her own podcast, "Loving the F." It's about redefining the "forbidden" and has more than 63 episodes with several more soon to be released in the coming weeks.
Though she loved her work and the community she served - something more was calling to her and if you know Melissa - you know she jumps in with both feet. So, she left her career in public radio in search of that "something more" in Nov. 2018
Fourteen months later she launched Waking Aphrodite, a platform for women via burlesque and variety, on January 11, 2020.
Her goal is to bring Waking Aphrodite to everyone near and far - inspiring and encouraging her audience by walking the talk.
On the subject of reinvention, she has said, "I wanted to reinvent myself and thought I had to change everything. What I discovered is first, its not a reinvention - its a remembering. And second, the only thing I had to change was my narrative. Once I did that - everything fell into place."
Though Melissa continues to grow and evolve, she has said her love for radio is eternal and plans to have her own radio talk show one day soon.